I never thought for a minute my opinion would count for anything with the PEI Government on an issue like vaccines. That’s why I relied exclusively on the guidance document that is to be relied on by the PEI Government for this year’s influenza vaccination campaign.

While watching a Department of Health video on this year’s seasonal influenza vaccine campaign, I learned that the province was relying on the guidance in the Drug company’s Drug Monograph regarding risk and safety information.

I decided to check to see if there were any risks, warnings or other safety information that should be given to Islanders before signing consent for their children to receive the vaccination. 

I discovered the Monograph discussed a number of additional potential harms, many as a result of no safety studies having ever been undertaken to assess whether there were harms, or were even required for approval by Health Canada. I detailed those concerns in my previous two articles on the flu vaccine.

Based on the PEI Department of Health’s own protocol that relies on what is provided in the company’s drug Monograph, I expected the research in my two articles to result in updated materials that would fully inform Islanders of all the risks and safety concerns with this vaccination. That is exactly what the PEI Government has as both an ethical and legal obligation: a duty to provide parents/guardians when demanding a signature giving legal consent to have a child in their care vaccinated.

Here’s a link to the form you’ll be asked to sign: Influenza Immunization Clinic Registration Form.

Here is the section of the form on consent:

Here is a link to the information on risks and safety concerns that the consent form indicates have been explained to the person giving consent:

The phrase “other side effects can occur” gives no information about the severity of those effects, or even what effects might be expected. Is that a legal escape clause so it can later be claimed that the person was indeed told the vaccine might harm their child for life since “other side effects” encompasses anything?  In 2009, the H1N1 Swine Flu  vaccine caused over 500 children in Sweden to become narcoleptics falling asleep and nodding off constantly – every few seconds or minutes. The Government pushed the vaccine assuring everyone it was safe, yet no safety studies had been undertaken. It was the government – not the drug company – that eventually paid out huge sums to the victims of the scandal.

Despite what the company itself says about the absence of any safety data on fetal development – and not recommending vaccinations for babies younger than 6 months – none of that information is provided to pregnant women by the PEI Government.  That there have been no safety studies on breast-feeding babies, or even information about concentration and transfer of vaccines products in breast milk, is not provided by the Government in the literature; in fact, pregnant and breast-feeding women are being strongly encouraged to get the flu vaccine with full assurances of safety. 

This is what the PEI Government tells pregnant women about the flu vaccine:

If babies under 6 months old cannot receive the vaccine, and if babies under 6 months old may be receiving vaccine artifacts in the breast milk, which could be concentrated, which is not known because that is explicitly noted as not having been studied. It is unethical and negligent for the PEI Government to be telling breastfeeding moms that they SHOULD get the flu vaccine to PROTECT their baby without also telling them they may in fact be harming them.

Of course there isn’t any evidence that “these vaccines harm you or your baby”. They stipulated in the Monograph that no safety guidance is possible as a result of there not having been any studies determining safety. Parents aren’t told that. Nor are they told of the possible connection between a population being told untested vaccines are safe and the skyrocketing rates of asthma, autoimmune disorders, and especially Autism Spectrum Disorders in PEI. Why? Because the federal government doesn’t require safety studies for vaccines like they do for all other types of drugs. 

And what about the significant risk of an influenza vaccine increasing the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 and/or other illnesses resulting in severe respiratory infections and possible death from vaccine interference? That’s also not mentioned as a potential risk from the vaccine. 

A prudent suggestion might be to provide anyone receiving the vaccine, or signing for a child to receive the vaccine, full disclosure of all currently missing risks and safety information.