Categories: Pandemic

After Declaring Polio Eradicated in Africa in August, a Vaccine-Derived Outbreak is Spreading Throughout the World


The look on that babies’ face is ENTIRELY justified! As you can see from the boyish looks and devilish grin, Gates has been at this for a while.

On August 26, 2020, while the World Health Organization was warning roughly 7 billion people that a much worse second wave of COVID-19 was knocking at the door –  giving us a head’s up that more stringent measures would soon be needed to do more to hide ourselves from other people – the WHO was also planning a big celebration of the miraculous eradication of polio from Africa using vaccines.

Lockdown measures would be pre-emptive this second time around. Instead of having to “flatten a curve,” so as not to overwhelm hospitals, no such demon curve would ever be allowed to manifest itself on any surveillance chart!  At the first sign of a “second wave” (it came late to PEI, but didn’t take much, 4 PCR positives) it would be “lock down hard and fast”!

The narrative wasn’t so much that we needed to prevent hospital overflows (preparations were in place) it was really designed to reinforce the shared collective consciousness that the world and life had to be on hold until we got a vaccine – it was a  “killing time while waiting for bus to arrive” play, and by “bus” I mean vaccine. It was a “there’s one way to think and act” message designed to build social compliance for what these global seers tell is certainly coming soon.
We were told that we had no choice: nothing else would keep us from continuing to slide down-hill to hell unless we buckled up and did nothing. We were asked to sit back and watch our businesses and lives crumbled while we prayed for a vaccine and watched the clock. Until that glorious day dawned, our duty was to buy time. Until that purchase arrangement with Father Time was settled, anything and everything would need to be sacrificed to ensure the virus wasn’t provided a hair’s chance in hell of getting into anybody and spreading before the vaccine launch.
We’re in this together. Do your part. WEAR THE DAMN MASK…not for yourself, for other people to prove you’re not selfish, or worse, sadistic.
Not for ourselves of course, but for granny.  Was wearing a mask so you could no longer tell if the people you were talking with were angry or sad really the answer with no science supporting masks?  Science didn’t matter. What mattered was waiting and hiding from the virus, and that meant hiding from people.
That was the plan. Anything that might interfere with that would be labeled just incredibly selfish (we were all asked time and time again to do these things, daily, as if that “framework” for interpreting reality was the only one, so we finally – most Islanders – not only said yes, but joined the cheerleading squad reminding those who hadn’t yet figured that out were just selfish.
Terribly unfortunate to leave granny alone, but entirely necessary.  How long the wait? The sacrifices?  Until the world’s biggest and brightest scientists at the worlds’ biggest and mightiest Pharma companies found a vaccine to inject (many times with the boosters) 7 billion people.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) looking like a medical doctor, but he’s not.

While all that was brewing….someone made the decision to tell the world just how wonderful vaccines are: enter the real first vaccine miracle of the 21st Century: the elimination of polio in Africa.
The WHO’s director is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is also chair of the Polio Eradication Initiative. On August 26, 2020, on behalf of the Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI), Tedros proudly informed the world that polio had successfully been eradicated in Africa:
“Today we come together to rejoice over a historic public health success, the certification of wild poliovirus eradication in the African region.”
Wait a minute…did you notice the word “wild” stuck in there as a qualifier just before the word poliovirus? What’s that all about?  Is there some other kind of poliovirus not quite so feisty?  A “tamed” version perhaps? If a polio virus was still out there paralyzing kids in Africa would it really be fair to claim it had been eradicated?

The global vaccinators [BigPharm Corps] believed that they had, indeed, succeeded in taming the wild polio virus sufficiently to make it harmless in a vaccine. They were mistaken.

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is spearheaded by the WHO, Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and  the Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI).

If polio vaccination campaigns are begun and then suspended, leaving many  children unvaccinated, not only can vaccine-derived outbreaks happen, they’re almost certain to happen.

The weakened virus used in the vaccine “morphed” (to use the same word the WHO used to describe what happened) after being injected into millions of African children; then, after it was expelled ‘live’ into the community by those vaccinated kids, it evolved into something that wasn’t so weak and could once again paralyze kids who had not been vaccinated. It would appear that the decision to suspend all these vaccination campaigns for roughly the first half of 2020 lead to the spread of the initial outbreak:

“While Africa was declared free of the wild poliovirus in August 2020, another form of polio continues to affect children: circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, or cVDPV. This type of polio is rare and can only occur in areas where not enough children are immunized. The only way to stop spread of cVDPV is through immunization.” [ See: “40 million children in Africa Region vaccinated against polio following re-start of campaigns, “Polio Global Eradication Initiative,” December 2, 2020].

We now have a global health emergency created by the very same vaccination that “eradicated polio” in Africa. And it’s not just another disease in a poor third-world country:

“COVID-19 has exacerbated programmatic challenges for the eradication of polio, the only other disease designated as a current Public Health Emergency of International Concern.”

Really? There’s two international disease emergencies on the go?  I heard about the COVID-19 I think, but can’t recall any mainstream media stories or daily updates on this spreading polio outbreak!

This new polio outbreak is not the wild version – let that sink in – but the vaccine virus that was used in those previous polio vaccination campaigns administered by the Polio Eradication Initiative.  The virus that was eradicated with vaccines was reintroduced by vaccines and allowed to spread. More precisely – a decision to STOP vaccinations knowing that would result in the spread was made by the WHO – which apparently caused the spread that now is not contained.

The solution to the outbreak (as well as how to prevent it, e.g., don’t vaccinate some and leave the rest without protection) was definitely known by the WHO Polio Eradication Initiative. According to a statement from the WHO, [taken from the same CNN article cited above], the same remedial protocol used with past vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreaks would bring a rapid solution:

“Circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses in the past have been rapidly stopped with 2–3 rounds of high-quality immunization campaigns. The solution is the same for all polio outbreaks: immunize every child several times with the oral vaccine to stop polio transmission, regardless of the origin of the virus,” WHO said.

The truth is that the vaccine-derived outbreak began around the same time as the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite knowing that such immediate intensive focus on the initial outbreak area was urgently needed, as stated months later in August, those campaigns were completely suspended, allowing the virus to spread.

By August 26th, it had spread to 16 African Countries. It has in the last 3 months spread outside Africa, and has since spread to an additional 9 countries around the world.


Back in August, I decided to keep an eye on this situation to see how “rapidly” the vaccine-induced outbreak would be cleaned up, as promised by the WHO’s Director-General. The WHO has a  disease surveillance page I follow.
I hadn’t checked for a few weeks, so just discovered that the polio outbreak has worsened considerably, and the WHO is saying that, but the mainstream media haven’t informed the world of it from what I can see (Is this article news to you?)
On November 6, 2020, the WHO issued a call for funds to launch new measles and polio vaccination campaigns, saying:
While necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the suspension of more than 60 planned polio vaccination campaigns in 28 countries has already resulted in growing polio outbreaks. Wild poliovirus transmission is increasing in intensity and geographic scope in the two remaining endemic countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – a form of the virus that can arise in areas where vaccination coverage is low* – have increased nearly five-fold over 2019 levels, with evidence of international spread leading to multi-country outbreaks in Africa.”
Was the suspension of these programs really necessary given the knowledge that the WHO had that a quick vaccine response was urgently needed to stop the outbreak before too much community spread happened?  Otherwise, the vaccine would be having nothing preventing it from spreading through the country, across borders, and potentially escalate into an global emergency. And that’s exactly what happened.
By November, the situation was of such concern that the WHO issued a call for major funding from donor countries, including Canada.
But what made the WHO decide to cancel those urgently-needed vaccination campaigns in that much smaller (in January/February, 2020) area than when they started back up in July (16 countries in Africa) when so much was at stake, and the outcome of that decision so predictable?
COVID-19 was not at all a problem at the time, and isn’t really now. It was having no impact on Africa in that critical Jan-July period leading up to resumption of the vaccination campaigns. Consider the death statistics:

“With 17 per cent of the world population, Africa has about five per cent of confirmed cases and three per cent of deaths. With population considered, the continent also has the second-lowest rate of death of 19 deaths per one million people, which is about 34 times lower than North America’s, the region with the highest rate.”

We may not have heard anything about this developing situation in the Canadian news from what I can see; however, I’m sure our Prime Minister got a memo with a “please send money” message:

“The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), of which WHO and UNICEF are the implementing agencies, had estimated budget for outbreak response; however, the current budget and funding cannot cover the extraordinary costs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting outbreaks of polio and other vaccine preventable diseases. Based on epidemiological and financial modelling, the GPEI estimates that up to US$ 400 million will be needed over 2020/2021 to support countries in responding to polio outbreaks in a COVID environment. Even as WHO and UNICEF work closely with partners to identify synergies and cost-savings, these costs remain beyond the current resources of the GPEI. Given the increasing number of countries responding or preparing to respond to outbreaks, coupled with the limits on the resources of the GPEI, WHO and UNICEF are appealing an extraordinary and urgent support for polio outbreak response for US$ 400 million to cover the 2020/2021 period. [WHO November 6, 2020 Emergency Call to Action].
40, 000,000 kids in Sudan have  been vaccinated since the resumption of the program, and many more such campaigns are now being organized for both polio and measles.
Currently Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Zambia and South Sudan are currently experiencing cVDPV2 outbreaks – from the vaccinations. That’s in Africa. There are other countries as well:
Announcing that polio had been eradicated in Africa in August while a new man-made polio outbreak was being allowed to emerge created the crisis, the need, and the “ask” for Big pharma.
One has to wonder where the oversight is; how was something as innocuous as the coronavirus allowed to give the o.k. to letting a new pandemic emerge, followed by, of course, an urgent call for another $400,000,000?  The fact that these vaccine-derived poliovirues were not happening in the early years of the long-game polio eradication campaign, but are now steadily becoming the dominant type of outbreak is extremely concerning:

WHO’s  Guidance On the Polio Epidemic On A Go-Forward Basis

The WHO is now asking all countries, in particular those with frequent travel and contacts with polio-affected countries and areas, to strengthen surveillance for Acuter Flaccid Paralysis in order to rapidly detect any new virus importation and to facilitate a rapid response.
Again, one would expect some kind of oversight when the same product can create new markets not only for the same companies, but FOR THE SAME PRODUCT!  Vaccines can function in a dual-capacity as both the problem and the fix – a kind of unique “perpetual motion” self-sustaining business model.

“…ummm…let’s see now…you carry the billion, multiply the boosts….”

The WHO is also now providing “Emergency Use Authorizations” apparently.

Again, where’s the oversight?

We’re fast-moving into the New World Order folks! When these global forces and trends are being driven by private corporations (and they are) there is no real ‘arm’s length” relationship with the WHO, now able to give give approvals outside the scrutiny and independent science afforded by National governments with a duty to serve the needs and wellbeing of their citizens.

Those days of democratic discussion on decisions about our future are unfortunately gone my friend…we thought they’d never end (remember that song?)….but they’re gone, and national governments  (especially G20 countries) are enthusiastically supporting this undemocratic process and will not be complaining about the WHO taking over emergency use authorization for drugs.

They just gave the go-ahead for use of a new vaccine less than a month ago, the first ever,  paving the way for approval of a COVID-19 vaccine for the coronavirus. Is is conceivable that the WHO (and supporting countries) will use that authorization to attempt to override the sovereignty of nations refusing to participate in the vaccines, or the particular directives from the WHO regarding vaccines?

What has Canada’s response been to this polio outbreak?
I took the entire following section from a Radio Canada International article [“Emergency action requested to avert measles, polio epidemics worldwide,” November 6, 2020].

Canada ‘Will Continue to Monitor…Evolving Needs

“In response to this newest request for funding, Global Affairs Canada said it “will continue to monitor the evolving global needs for measles and polio immunization–consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

An email from Global Affairs to Radio Canada International stated:

“In May 2020, Canada pledged $600 million to the third replenishment of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Canada’s support will help Gavi to immunize hundreds of millions of children around the world against deadly diseases, such as measles, diphtheria and typhoid. At the same time, Canada pledged $47.5 million annually over four years to Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s end-game strategy.”

This particular request from UNICEF and the WHO seeking funding for immunization programs in middle-income countries not covered by the GAVI initiative. These may be countries such as Brazil, Angola, Lebanon and Malaysia, to name a few.

Annie Bodmer-Roy, Director of International Policy and Programs at UNICEF Canada acknowledges the Canadian government’s efforts on international immunization but in an email she stated:

“We must ensure Canada’s response to COVID-19 does not detract from crucial efforts to save children’s lives from preventable disease, like measles and polio. We are calling on Canada to allocate part of its international COVID-19 response to ensure equal access to vaccines for children in conflict and crisis, where need is highest. Funding is urgently required to resume vaccination campaigns, and build the health systems needed to protect against the next pandemic.”   [Taken from: “Emergency action requested to avert measles, polio epidemics worldwide,” November 6, 2020].

The next pandemic.
The perpetual cyclical motion of evil and greed in the world.


Are staff at the PEI [“Prince Edward Island,” not “Polio Eradication Initiative”] Public Health Office screening international travellers for poliovirus?
Kevin J. Arsenault

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