

Today’s daily reflection combines the Gospel with the second reading from 2 Peter, both of which deal with the transfiguration of Jesus.

There is so much to reflect on in these two readings, but I’m not going to write a long prose-style reflection, but simply offer a few bullet points that may add some richness to your own reflections, then a few comments specifically on the “witness” of Jesus as Lord of Lords by St. Paul in the 2nd reading.

The intention with these daily reflections is not to simply acquire “knowledge,” but rather, spiritual insights that can empower us in our daily lives – insights and inspirations connected to our lives and are relevant to our own personal, family and social situations. 

Other people can offer us frameworks and general guidance that can help our reflection; however, it is only when we engage in our own search for God and His Will for us that our spirit is able to be guided by the Holy Spirit, who will  reveal what we need to properly engage with the people, places and things in our lives, wisdom that offers both comfort and guidance giving us confidence in knowing and doing the Will of God.

  • Jesus has his “best buds” those three “inner circle” Apostles with Him [Peter, James, John] when he is transfigured in glory.
  • Jesus is speaking to “Elijah” and Moses, so that puts to bed the idea that when Jesus said that John the Baptist was “Elijah” he meant that to be taken to mean the historical person (prophet) Elijah who was taken up to heaven.
  • Jesus “…charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone,
    except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
    So they kept the matter to themselves…”  which we then see transpire in the powerful testimony of St. Peter in the 2nd reading. We see how that event becomes core to the Gospel message relayed, of confirmation of God’s favour on Jesus as His Son, and more importantly, HE WHO WE SHOULD LISTEN TO, with the command heard form the Father: “LISTEN TO HIM”
  • St. Peter relies on that powerful experience when he reminds his readers – who he identifies at the outset of his Epistle as other “believers,”- i.e. members of the early church – that the Gospel he and his companions gave “…made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,”  saying that they “…had been eyewitnesses of his majesty.  For he received honor and glory from God the Father when that unique declaration came to him from the majestic glory, “This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased,” which was first-hand eyewitness testimony of the majesty and glory of Jesus.


The first reading for today is from the prophet Daniel, and provides a powerful vision of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the Son of God and the prophesized “Son of Man”:

As the visions during the night continued, I saw:

    One like a Son of man coming,
        on the clouds of heaven;
    When he reached the Ancient One
        and was presented before him,
    The one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship;
        all peoples, nations, and languages serve him.
    His dominion is an everlasting dominion
        that shall not be taken away,
        his kingship shall not be destroyed.

When the angels announced the birth of Jesus to those out in the fields, they were frightened, and were told: “Peace to all of GOOD WILL.”

I firmly believe that anyone who is truly of ‘good will’ and seeks what is true and good will find Jesus, who is all that is good and true, He who answers every question we can possibly come up with about life and its meaning. 

The powerful readings from today remind us that His closest Apostles – briefly –  saw His Glory, and His Glory is again soon to be in sight!

The miracle that will transfigure Jesus the next time – which is going to happen very soon – will transfigure Him in us, manifesting to all those of good will the glory of the Father that was bestowed on the Son and given freely out of mercy and love by Jesus to us, through us.

To those open to the truth, open to life, open to accepting what is true and good without compromise, the prize will be won soon,  as the day dawns and the morning star rises in the hearts of the truly faithful….and what might that morning star be?  Not a ‘what’…..but a ‘who’! Jesus!

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star. [Revelation 22:16]


Jesus, we give you praise for your great glory, which is the glory of our Father in heaven which he has given entirely to you, and you give to us with your invitation to share in your Divine life and the life of the Trinity. We thank you for life, and for rescuing us from the fate that comes from enslavement to sin and corruption and existence outside the fullness of life which is You.

Father, give us your Holy Spirit and the grace and power to never again seperate ourselves from you by selfishly choosing what is not life-giving in service to self. May we never fail to heed your command to listen to Jesus, and to imitate Him in outreach and service to others, moved by the same mercy, love and compassion that You and Your Son and Holy Spirit have for us all, as we strive to be faithful to your Word, [the words, teachings, commands, wisdom and understanding of Jesus] to work to build the Kingdom of God on earth.” Amen.