You may not have heard about the ringside doll fight scheduled between wide “awake” doll Raggedy Ann, and PEI’s own doll-icon, Anne of Green Gables.

I’ll bring you up to speed before the bell:


Anne of Green Gables exudes energy and excitement, but sadly, it’s all about ANNE, so, woke as hell. And her politics are indeed as “green” as the grass growing along the Guangdong creeks in communist China. To top it off, “gables” are where bats hide from the light.

Anne has recently been appropriated by Trudeau, who’s been flooding PEI with funding to make us all as diverse, queer, divided, and confused as possible before he gets turfed.

He’s decided it’s time to further diversify Anne’s world for locals and tourists alike, with a diversi-vacation-ized “woke-over” [See attached].

Anne was already woke as hell; now she’s woke as hell on steroids, ie., with funding and federal support. The word on the street [don’t quote me] is a “gender change” may be in the plans….”stan of Green Gables…”…ewh!

ANNE comes to the ring against Raggedy wearing a big smile, saying she’s just “here to have some fun”.

Don’t let that fool you for a minute! There’s a lot of aggressive power in passive, precocious, prattling princesses parading and propagandizing for politicians!

Although new to both the formal world of “political wokedom” and “ringside doll fighting,” the Green Gables girl nonetheless makes a perfect candidate for Trudeau’s National “Transition-Canada-to-Wokedom” project.

It’s like the essence of wokedom was somehow inherited, or downloaded Matrix-style from the WEF’s databank going through through her red antenna braids into her little self-centered brain.

Anne – a synopsis:

* Always wrapped up in her self, can’t really think or talk about anything but her own fanciful imaginings and feelings, forever dreaming away her time, preferring to go through life manic, either [1] smiling beamishly as in already in heaven with that sickening “fake-as-a-three-dollar-bill” perma smirk, or [2] ranting like a freakin banji over something silly or stupid [ this person SCREAMS for ice cream remember…I mean, is that really necessary? Speaks volumes to me].

* Strong propensity to act spontaneously AND with violence [recall her slate-smashing tirade at school, viciously launching a malicious surprise attack FROM BEHIND on an unsuspecting school boy’s head!] offended beyond words at the drop of a pin [IT’S NOT A “PIN”…IT’S A NEEDLE!!!”], totally “me-centred”, lost in her imaginings, ignoring everything else, like the facts in front of her, having no innate inclination to embrace things such as (a) hard work, (b) moral purpose, (c) science, and, of course, (d) commonsense.

The kind of common-sense I’m talking about here is that which comes from caring about the good of others, and then pondering situations with a calm and discerning mind with an eye to discovering and pursuing reasonable solutions to the problems that have been identified so as to make things better for people.

Sadly, that’s been the Anne embedded in our culture, a lying, lackadaisical lady encouraging us to ignore what needs to be changed in favour of ‘personal favors’ [“when is my road going to be repaved,” kind of favours] rather than to become aware of, face the truth honesty with courage, and then to embrace the true purpose of life for which we were born and called to live.

Anne is a woke ambassador spewing (as entertainment) a fake narrative and vision of PEI…one of eternal friendliness and fun,which is a wonderful cover for the corruption rotting Prince Edward Island and going down and through and around with a lot thicker and petrid coating here than anywhere else in Canada, and by a long shot!

Denny King won’t even tell us what companies he is procuring services and goods and business from I guess, which has shocked a procurement lawyer at Osgood who didn’t think such a thing still existed in the 21st century in Canada because NO OTHER PROVINCE withholds that information from the electorate!

Anne of Green Gables is our mascot , and her preoccupation with self fits perfectly with turning a blind eye to corruption.

Having once been apparently asked about someone she knew who had committed a serious crime within the government, asked what she was going to do about it, and she said that she’d have to think about it some more because, “I just don’t know how we can put him in jail without hurting his feelings. I’m trying to figure that out.”

He still works in government.

Anne has trained and conditioned us to remain friendly and polite at all times, and to overlook corruption… to talk angrily about what Dennis King is doing with a friend over coffee, but then to feel honored and be totally friendly with the Premier accidentally bumping into him on the street 10 minutes later.

I’ve mentioned this poisonous culture of cautious, cute, cuddly, and CORRUPT many times in my writings, and wrote a piece titled “S-Anne-itizing government the Island way” 3 years ago, explaining how this giving preference to “decorum” and politeness over “moral decency” needs to end.

Anne of Green Gables wants you to live in your imagination, not reality, She wants you to ignore unpleasant things such as criminals embedded in your government.

And she wants ice cream…. Ms. “me, me, me,” wants lots of ice cream and she’s willing to hurt you while screaming at you for it, remember that! She wants you to be like her: woke! If you’re not, you’re an enemy.


Raggedy Ann wants her memory honored. She wants you to know the truth… to live in reality. She also wants you to think twice before letting someone stick a needle in you to make you raggedy like her. She doesn’t want you to be like her, she wants you to be YOU, not raggedy, still able to hold her, a doll.