
A day is soon coming when the prophecy found in today’s first reading will be fulfilled. First, more darkness, more segregation, more “raising sword against another,” and sadly, persecution and violence.
Before that will come a day of great mercy – a miraculous sign in the heavens – in the days following, don’t succumb to the lies attempting to explain it away with aliens or quantum phenomena – it is a final choice you will be given to decide where you want to align your heart, with truth and goodness, or lies and pleasure, your final eternal destiny lies in the balance….DON’T BLOW IT!!!

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“For from Zion shall go forth instruction,
and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations,
and impose terms on many peoples.
They shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks;
One nation shall not raise the sword against another,
O house of Jacob, come,
let us walk in the light of the LORD!” Isaiah 2: 4-5
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During my tenure as Executive Director of the PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada (2000-2010), I sat with countless refugees, both entire, large families, and individuals who had fled political persecution in their home country. Once a Refugee Settlement team member would great them at the airport, settle them into a hotel for the night, they’d be met in the morning and escorted to our office to meet the staff and begin the long process of settlement, registration in language training, getting kids registered and settled into schools, hospital visits, etc.
I heard hundreds of stories I carry with me to this day. I did a home-recording of a song I wrote near the time I left the Newcomers that was inspired by today’s first reading, and of course, the stories I heard and all the painful images they contained, soaked in raw emotion and pain.
When I listen to the silence of our government and church leaders, and witness daily the squashing of truth by the media and Big Tech, and see where this path we are on leads, I tremble when I recall how I would, as a bit of “safe landing custom” tell these victims of tyranny and violence that PEI would forever provide them a safe haven, where they could live in peace, without fear, where all Islanders are viewed and treated as members of the same big family.

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Full stop, look around
Bodies lying on the ground
Teardrops make no sound
Safe havens can’t be found
Every day just gets worse
This war from hell – the devil’s curse
The innocent crushed beneath
The crippling steps of Behemoth
See the children
Playing in the street
Hear the mothers
Praying for a better day
Fear the armed men
Betraying all they meet
Like predators with their prey
Someday, we’ll train for war no more
We’ll live our lives in peace
Save them Lord, from this uncivil war
The blameless, the maimed, the deceased
Refugees, on the run
Receding sounds of distant guns
Hundreds dying by the hour
Losing hope, and losing power
Waiting for a rescue plan
Stranded in this war-torn land
Clinging to the will to live
And trying to forgive
Trying to forgive